Burlington Public Schools Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework
The Burlington Public Schools Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework designed to address academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning development of students within a fully integrated system of support. MTSS uses a three-tiered system of increasingly intensive interventions that are comprehensive in scope, preventative in design, and developmental in nature.
Tier 1 Mental Health Promotion and Support (Universal):
School mental health promotion for all (Tier 1) refers to all activities to foster positive social, emotional and behavioral skills and well-being of all students, regardless of whether they are at risk for mental health challenges. Tier 1 supports well-being and educational success for all students and serves as a foundation for Tier 2 and 3 mental health services and supports. These activities might also include efforts to support positive school climate and staff well-being.
Tier 2 Social Emotional & Mental Health Early Intervention (Targeted):
Social emotional and mental health early intervention, or Tier 2 services, support students who have been identified through a systematic, equitable process as experiencing mild distress, mildly impaired academic/social functioning or as at-risk for a given problem or concern.
Tier 3: Intensive Social Emotional &/or Mental Health Support (Individualized):
Intensive social emotional and/or mental health support,or Tier 3 services, address mental health concerns for students who are already experiencing significant distress and impaired academic/social functioning. These supports are individualized to specific student needs. Tier 3 support includes services provided by school-based mental health professionals employed by the school or community organizations.
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