Dual Enrollment Overview

BHS offers Dual Enrollment courses with Middlesex Community College, UMass Boston, and Lasell University. These courses are offered during the school day at BHS, but students earn credits from both BHS and the university. 

What is Dual Enrollment? 
Dual Enrollment is when a high school student simultaneously earns high school and college credits for successfully completing designated “college-level” courses.

Who teaches these courses?
The teachers teaching these courses are BHS teachers who also serve as adjunct professors at Middlesex Community College, UMass Boston, or Lasell University. 

How do students qualify for Dual Enrollment? 
Students need to meet certain prerequisites in order to qualify for dual enrollment credit. The requirements are slightly different for each dual enrollment course. Typically, these prerequisites include PSAT or SAT test scores and/or final exam grades in prerequisite classes.

Are students required to take Dual Enrollment courses? 
No, since students who choose to take advantage of this opportunity must pay (a reduced fee) for college credit, they do NOT have to participate in dual enrollment.

Are students guaranteed to be part of the Dual Enrollment Program once they enroll in the BHS class? 
No, students must first meet the qualifying criteria to be eligible for dual enrollment. After meeting the qualifying criteria,  students are required to complete a dual enrollment application and registration form and pay $126 per credit (in 2023-2024 for Middlesex Community College. As of February 2024, there is no charge for the UMass Boston or Lasell dual enrollment courses.

What colleges or universities accept Middlesex Community College or UMass Boston credit? 
Dual enrollment courses meet the requirements of the Mass Transfer Block, which is a portable block of general education courses. While it is up to the receiving institution to determine if the course qualifies for course credit, we are focused on offering dual enrollment courses that are commonly transferable. For more information on the MassTransfer Block, visit http://www.mass.edu/masstransfer/students/TransferBlock.asp or contact specific college(s) of interest.

How will my Dual Enrollment course be reported to any colleges I apply to?  On the BHS transcript, report card, etc., dual enrollment courses will read that the student is enrolled in the course at the honors level (e.g., Honors Calculus, Honors Psychology, Honors Programming, etc.). In order for students’ dual enrollment college credit to be accepted by their chosen college or university, they must request to have official college transcripts sent to that particular college. We strongly advise students to include the fact that they are enrolled in any dual enrollment courses on the common application and/or each individual college application. 

Dual Enrollment (DE) 
Honors and AP Psychology (Intro to Psych)
Honors Calculus (Calculus I for Engineering & Science)
Latin V (Latin 101)
Honors and AP Computer Science Principles (Intro to Computer Science)
Italian V (Italian IV and Culture)
Business in a Global Environment
Human Anatomy and Physiology (Basic Anatomy)
Programming 1 (Programming 1)
AP Spanish (Spanish 4 and Culture)
AP. Environmental Science (Environmental Studies)
Financial Accounting