Consistent with the school’s mission and 21st-century learning expectations, the English Department offers a variety of courses that encourage lifelong learning in each of the communication domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Through a series of required courses and enriching electives, the curriculum provides students with opportunities to read literature representing writers from a wide range of cultures, eras, and perspectives. The English Department recognizes the importance of writing as a tool for self-expression through thinking, creating, and communicating; consequently, in every English class, students write about their ideas and their experiences as a way of reflecting on their own identity. The English curriculum meets the standards set forth in the Massachusetts English Language Arts framework.
Students must secure the recommendation of their current English teacher before enrolling in English classes. Further, they should consult with their families/guardians and counselors in making these selections.
To fulfill graduation requirements, a student must pass four years of English – 20 credits. Students in grade 9 and grade 10 are required to take the Introduction to Literature courses. Most juniors are required to take American Literature and most seniors are required to take Senior English; however, with the recommendation of their current English teacher, incoming juniors and seniors with a passion for literature and a talent for writing may enroll in our Advanced Placement (AP) courses instead. Students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 are encouraged to select additional electives to supplement and enrich their English Language Arts background.