Release of Information

In accordance with student record regulations, the Burlington Public Schools will be forwarding the student names, address, date of birth, school and grade of each child enrolled to the Town Clerk's Office.  The purpose of this initiative is to assist the Town Clerk in verifying the accuracy of the town census.  Parents and eligible students have the right to request that this information not be released without prior consent.  If you need any further information, call the Office of Special Education  @ 781-270-1822.

Section 9258 of the federal law No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires the release of students' names, addresses, and telephone numbers in response to a request by military recruiters and institutions of higher education.  The law also allows parents to deny the release of this information.

If you do not wish to have this student information provided to an armed forces recruiter or institution of higher learning, you must submit a request form in writing to the BHS main office.  You may receive a form by contacting the high school office at 781-270-1839 or your child's counselor.