Health & Physical Education Program

Health and Physical Education is a required course for all students. Each course offers concepts and related activities designed to build the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to participate in an active healthy lifestyle. During each semester students are given a choice of activity that aligns with the content of their grade level. Providing options to students helps to foster understanding of the importance of lifelong exercise. Consistent with the school’s mission and 21st Century Learning Skills, the Health and Physical Education Department employs a variety of instructional techniques within the structure of its classes, calling for students to work independently and collaboratively to solve problems based on curricular demands. Students will develop their own questions throughout our classes and take steps to investigate the impact of their choices and decision making on their mental/emotional, social, and physical health. Due to the nature and scope of the topics outlined within our program’s curriculum (healthy choices and decision making, physical activity, bullying, social media, societal/peer pressures revolving around nutrition, addiction, sexuality, social/emotional learning etc.) students will consistently exhibit and demonstrate integrity in academic endeavors, and responsibly participate as members of a local, global, and digital society, specifically in regards to demonstrating respect for themselves and empathy for others. All courses are subject to change based on any foundational changes to the academic schedule.