Independent Studies Program

900 AP Directed Seminar (non-leveled)
Grade 11, 12
Semester course 5 per/7 day cycle  –  2 ½ credits
This is a non– leveled, pass/fail credited course available to senior students enrolled in 3 or more AP courses. It is important to help students identify signs of stress, how it affects them, and what they can do about it. This directed study period will allow students to manage academic stressors brought on by extremely rigorous academic demands. The focus of this course will be on stress reduction and time management. This directed study will be overseen by the School Counseling Department or administrative staff member.  At different times during the semester students will be required to meet with the school’s adjustment counselor, school psychologist, and other staff to help manage stress levels. 

902 Field Studies (non-leveled) Credit to be arranged
Semester 1 or Semester 2
The purpose of the Field Studies Program is to give students the opportunity to explore career interests through direct experience with staff at Burlington High School during the school day.  Through these career explorations, students will have the opportunity for personal growth and development and some experiential basis for making career decisions.  All Field Studies placements are finalized through Mr. Attubato, Support Services Coordinator.  Academic credit will be given and prorated on the number of hours per week involved in the Field Studies experience.  See your counselor for further information.


942 Library Field Study (non-leveled)
Grades 9, 10,11, 12
Semester course  Credit to be arranged
This is an opportunity for students to assist in the BHS Library. This course can only be taken in lieu of a study period in addition to a normal course load.  By fostering a love of reading, providing essential resources, and developing critical 21st century skills, the goal of the library is to support BHS’s mission statement. To help meet this goal, Library Field Study students will be expected to perform routine circulation and clerical tasks, assist students with locating materials using the catalog, organize materials, shelve books, help with light cleaning, work on displays, and develop creative projects. Students who do not have time available in their schedule may assist before/after school for volunteer hours. Interested students must see Ms. Graham in the BHS Library before signing up for this opportunity. 


Independent Study (non-leveled)
Grades 11, 12 
Semester course Credit to be arranged
Approval by the Department Chairperson
Independent Study course involves independent student work as the primary mode of instruction augmented by required interactions with a faculty member acting as an advisor or monitor of the student’s work. The independent study is offered in all curriculum areas. To be approved for this course, the student must create a program of study that includes a description of the topic, a methodology of assessment, and a schedule of work. The student must also secure a faculty adviser who is free to meet with the student during the school day. The supervising faculty member and the student will document the course topic, learning outcomes, scope of work, and number of hours expected for student work. Approval for this course will be made by the administration. This course cannot serve as a graduation requirement, but a chance for a student to expand beyond the Burlington High School Program of Studies.

941 Peer Tutoring (non-leveled)
Grades 10, 11, 12 
Semester course Credit to be arranged
This is an opportunity for students to help other students by tutoring them in a subject they have done well in. This course can only be taken in lieu of a study period in addition to a normal course load. Students must have earned at least a B as a final grade in the subject they offer to tutor and must receive an endorsement from a teacher in that subject area. Students must meet with their school counselor before signing up for this opportunity. Grading will be on a pass/fail basis. Students will be expected to keep a weekly log of tutoring sessions and/or consultations with teachers and to also offer at least one hour a week of tutoring outside of the school day.