To login to Aspen use the following URL:

Login Credentials:
When your student has an active enrollment, you will receive an email notification with your login credentials.
For more information please contact:
Student Information Office
[email protected]
Navigating the Aspen Platform:

Pages Allows families to see Tasks, Published Reports (progress/report cards) and Recent Activity.

Family: Lists all students associated with a family. Each side tab allows you to see details about your student(s), contact information, attendance, transcripts, current schedule for middle and high school students, membership data containing entry dates, and notifications.
If you notice any discrepancies with contact information, please reach out to the school’s Main Office and request a Student Data Form. You should make all changes on this form including phone and email changes, as well as adding or deleting contacts.
Notifications need to be set for each child. Please note that Class Attendance and Grade Notifications can only be used at the middle school and high school levels.
Attendance - Notification of daily attendance - Runs daily at approximately 11AM
Class Attendance - Notification of any class specific attendance - Runs daily at approximately 3PM
Grades - Notifications of your student's grades when the grade is below a specific threshold. You set the threshold number when you would like to be notified. Runs Weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays afternoons
Academics Tab

Academics is used primarily for middle and high school courses. Details will give you information about the specific course, and how it is graded, as well as class attendance. Assignments lets you see what work has been assigned in class, and how your student scored on each assignment. The Attendance side-tab gives you a list view of each class absence.